80's Trivia Questions

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Jeff Goldblum Trivia

Actor Jeff Goldblum is probably best known for his roles in the Jurassic Park series and the film Independence Day. In these films, Goldblum played his signature persona, an introverted and idiosyncratic scientist with special insights on the crisis of the moment. Goldblum got to perfect this character in his first big hit film, a modernized horror story in which he suffers a most distressing mutation. It came out in 1986 and co-starred future wife Geena Davis. What was the name of this movie? Bonus Question: Jeff Goldblum and Geena Davis got married in 1987 and would make one more film together ("Earth Girls Are Easy" in 1988.) But their first film together actually came out in 1985. It was a poorly received monster movie spoof that was actually financed by the Dow chemical company with frozen assets that the company was prohibited from spending outside of the country of origin (which was Yugoslavia at the time). What was the name of the film?


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