80's Trivia Questions

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Yuppie 80's Trivia

The term "yuppie" is a popular 80's slang that often was used with connotations of selfishness, materialism, and superficiality. Originally the term held some positive meaning, but quickly led to backlash against those that self-identified with the term. Much like the term "valley girl", "yuppie" enjoyed great popularity during the 1980's but died quickly in the 90's. The term "yuppie" is interesting because it sounds similar to the pupular 70's term "hippie" but is, by most accounts, the opposite in meaning.

So your 80's trivia question today is, where did the term yuppie come from? This is a tough one, so, i'll give you a little help. The term originated from an acronym that describes this particular demographic. The acronym is Y.U.P. What does this acronym stand for?

Bonus Question: Perhaps the most famous fictional yuppie character to-date is present in the novel "American Psycho" written by Bret Easton Ellis. What is the name of this famous yuppie character?

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At September 07, 2006, Blogger Bill Cook said...

Y.U.P. stand for Young Urban Professional


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