80's Trivia Questions

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Oscar Winners: Martin Scorsese & Forest Whitaker

Last week our Trivia Challenge concerned itself with the Grammys, so it's fitting that this week's puzzler is inspired by the recent Academy Awards ceremony. By all accounts, the predictions about who would win for many of the major awards were quite accurate. The best example is Martin Scorsese's win for "Best Director."

In the weeks leading up to the Oscars, every discussion about the awards mentioned the fact that the legendary director had never won an Oscar, despite numerous nominations. So it would have been a bigger surprise if he hadn't won, but it's great that he's getting the recognition this year.

Scorsese's important contributions to the world of film include such classics as "Taxi Driver," "Raging Bull," and "The Last Temptation of Christ." He's also made a few contributions to the world of music video. What was the name of the Michael Jackson video that Scorsese directed back in the 80's?

Bonus Question: Lots of well deserved wins in the acting categories, not the least of which was Forest Whitaker's win for "Best Actor." He originally went to college on a football scholarship, then earned two more scholarships in music, and then went to Berkley to study acting under a fourth scholarship. He's had a diverse career that's included both major films and independents, television, and even some directing (in fact, he directed a music video too, but that was in the 90's). And he's rubbed elbows with at least one of the other people who took home an Oscar last Sunday. What was the name of the Martin Scorsese film from the 1980's that included a small part played by Forest Whitaker?

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At March 12, 2007, Blogger Bill Cook said...

The answer to the Trivia Question (What was the name of the Michael Jackson video that Scorsese directed back in the 80's?) was "Bad."

The answer to the Bonus Question (What was the name of the Martin Scorsese film from the 1980's that included a small part played by Forest Whitaker?) was "The Color Of Money."


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