80's Trivia Questions

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Cold War Movie & Music Trivia

To celebrate the fall of the Berlin wall yet again (see the first Berlin wall trivia question) try your hand at this week's cold war trivia.

The end of the Cold War presented a problem for Hollywood. For over forty years, the Soviet Union were the de facto bad guys for spy flicks and action films. Not willing to give up on a proven formula, some films in the 90's continued to use evil Russkies to menace the hero (Air force One comes to mind). Most movies today seem to have moved on to terrorists, of course.

If ever there was a movie hero that was vexed by sinister Soviets, it was James Bond. The Bond franchise goes all the way back to the 60's, but the 80's provided several installments in the 007 saga. One Bond films starts out at the Berlin wall, and sees Bond sneaking across Checkpoint Charlie in order to foil the plot of a scheming Russian general. What was the name of this film?

Bonus Question: Speaking of Checkpoint Charlie, what's the name of the Elvis Costello song that mentions the phrase?

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At January 16, 2008, Blogger Bill Cook said...

The answer to the Trivia Question (One of the James Bond films from the 80's starts out at the Berlin Wall, and sees Bond sneaking across Checkpoint Charlie in order to foil the plot of a scheming Russian general. What was the name of this film?) was "Octopussy."

The answer to the Bonus Question (Speaking of Checkpoint Charlie, what's the name of the Elvis Costello song that mentions the phrase?) was "Oliver's Army."


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