80's Trivia Questions

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Pet Shop Boys Trivia

The Pet Shop Boys are coming to visit us here in the Nation's Capitol on Sunday, so they are the subject of today's trivia question... What better way to make an entrance into the world of pop music than by having your first chart topping song become a timeless classic as well as going all the way to #1 on both sides of the Atlantic? Actually, it wasn't quite that easy for the duo. The first version of what would eventually become their signature song only caught on in Belgium (and one or two other places), but failed to get significant airplay in the U.S. and in the U.K. Their fortune changed when the song was re-recorded by Stephen Hague and re-released a year or so later. From that point the new version steadily gained popularity until it hit the top of the charts. So what was the name of the Pet Shop Boys first (and as far as the Billboard Hot 100, only) #1 single?

Bonus Question: The afore mentioned song may not have been #1 in "every city, in every nation," but it might as well have been. The lyrics to the song mention two geographical locations (in the next line, actually), which are stops on a railway line. What are the two locations mentioned in the song's lyrics? (Extra credit if you can cite the historical significance of this lyrical reference).



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